Personality Tests: To Be or Not to Be

People are complicated. Personalities are complex, to say the least. Why was there a sudden peak of interest in personality typing and testing the last couple of years? I believe that it's because when we struggle in life, we desperately want to look for a guidebook that strictly defines us and tells us what to do or who we are. 

In this search, we fell into a few traps. There are many misconceptions about personality tests out there. Some people even claimed the famous Myers-Briggs test debunked from all precision whatsoever. 
misconceptions about mbti
I think it's all about your perception of what these tests represent. Here are a few points from my personal opinion that might clear the air:

Personality tests are a guide, rather than facts set in stone.

If you deal with your personality test results like they are facts that cannot change, you will be disappointed. This is simply because there are many elements like upbringing, life situations, experience, and trauma that shape us and change us constantly. How someone deals in one situation doesn't mean they will act the same in another. 

Your results are helpful though if you simply use them as a tool and guide to understanding your personality. However, don't claim the test is a sham because your results changed after a while. Your state of mind while taking the test along with your maturity level from different experiences means results are most likely to change as you go along in this thing we call life!
mbti debunked

Personality tests address your preferences more than your abilities or skills.

As an introvert, I have a preference for solitude, peace of mind, and detaching a little bit from noisy or crowded places. However, that doesn't mean I don't have the ability to do the exact opposite of that. 

On another note, I am extremely extroverted and cannot stop talking around my family, close friends, and people I feel comfortable with. Does that mean a test saying I'm a true introvert is not reliable? Not at all. It all depends on the situation you are handed and the people you are with. 

It has become quite popular for organizations to use the MBTI instrument in their hiring process, which is the definition of a misconception for me about these tests. I believe deciding to hire someone or not based on these results is unfair to both the company and the individual. Honestly, it has nothing to do with their ability to excel at the job. 
personality types
Personality tests cannot predict how you will act in the future.
For some of the same reasons mentioned above, you cannot decide to predict your actions in a specific situation based on these tests. These tests describe your personality traits and preferences rather than predict your reactions to situations. 

We all have our limits as different personalities. One stressful event can have you a lot calmer than I would react, for instance, but that doesn't mean you are always like that. Another event can have you react emotionally right away. Nobody reacts the same all the time.

Perception is everything, and that statement is true for a lot more than just personality tests. 

By: Amal Ghali


  1. Could not have said it better, people treat the MBTI results as scripture and it sinply can't be. Someone might get mistyped because of who they think they are at the time. So someone who is not self aware will definitley be mistyped! Definitley my case 2 years ago...

    1. Yes, thank you for your insight! It has a lot of different dimensions to be taken into consideration and being mistyped is normal when you're in the stage of trying to figure yourself out or getting to know who you are. <3


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