5 Reasons Why Introverts Love Writing

Writing has always been an escape for me. When I was in school, I would always find myself looking forward to the time I had to write anything and everything in my journal. I loved writing about my day and what happened in it in shocking details. I loved creating these huge calendars that had everything I wanted to do. I used to enjoy writing the lyrics of my favorite songs too. Looking back, I think I loved the feeling of having the complexity of my thoughts visible in front of me on paper, without really knowing that at the time. In the midst of all the adventures, surprises, life lessons, and mishaps that occur growing up, writing helped me tune out and live in my bubble for a while. 

Being an introvert means you enjoy time spent alone with nothing but your own thoughts for company, and writing goes hand in hand with solitude. While it's not a rule that you have to be an introvert to enjoy writing and be good at it, it's something that introverts are drawn to so much more than extrovertsGreat writers like J.K. Rowling and George R.R. Martin, who gave us two of the world's most iconic series, are both introverted personalities. On the other hand, literary geniuses such as Ernest Hemmingway and Mark Twain are thought to be extroverted

Why do introverts love writing? Here are 5 interesting reasons:

1- It's more appealing to write down our thoughts than say them out loud. We spend our entire lives trying not to be the center of attention. Writing our ideas down means we can avoid saying them out loud and deal with being the main focus of a conversation.

2- We pay attention to details which makes us better writers. Writing makes great use of our highly observant personality. We see the bigger picture and pick up on cues others usually miss. A writer has only words to deliver a message that is best given through the little details.

3- Writing allows for time to gather our thoughts and reflect. The process of writing is appealing to us because it gives us time to reflect on our ideas. We write and enjoy the fact that we can change and amend it until we satisfy our inner perfectionists! 

4- Our active listening skills help us be more creative. We listen more than we speak. This trait tends to be an unexpected source of our creativity since we gather a lot of information that can act as inspiration.

5- We love our alone time. To be good at writing, you have to be an avid reader and someone who is good at research as well. The fact that we don't get tired of our alone time puts us on the right track and is why we are drawn to the art of writing. 

Do you know your personality type? You can take the free online test now. 

Writing is just one dimension that introverts excel at. Being an introvert shouldn't stop you from pursuing a leadership role in the workplace. Here's Why Introverts Make Great Leaders.

By: Amal Ghali


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