4 Reasons Why Introverts Love Rain

reasons why introverts love rain

Have you always been more drawn to a rainy day than most people? Do you feel a hint of joy the minute you see those tiny drops fall from the sky? 

Did you know that feeling this way about rain is highly associated with being an introvert? It's true! Introverts are more drawn to the beauty of a rainy day with all its possibilities to cozy up in their favorite blankets with a hot cup of cocoa, nose deep into a good book. Sounds good to me!

There's actually a term for people who love everything about rain, and that's pluviophiles. If you're wondering why most introverts are classified into that very special group, here are 5 reasons why introverts love rain:

1. Rain Brings a Sense of Peace
While some people may get out of the rain as soon as they can to avoid that dreaded feeling of being wet, introverts can stand for hours under the rain looking up at the sky because it's peaceful. 

2. The Rain's White Noise Is Therapeutic
Introverts enjoy the sound that comes with falling water from the sky. This white noise makes way to calm down their thoughts and stress. 

3. Everything Looks Different When It's Raining
The visual aspect is a strong reason too. When it rains, your surroundings instantly look completely different and there's something hypnotic about it.

4. Everybody Becomes a Little Introverted When It's Raining! 
It's no secret introverts can feel like they're the odd person out in most situations. When it's raining, people hurry up inside looking for ways to stay warm and enjoy a movie night or catch up on their reading—in other words, heaven for introverts! 

That doesn't mean that an extrovert cannot enjoy a rainy day, but it's when introverts feel right at home. Heavy rain means staying at home and for extroverts who prefer being outside, it can bring them down while introverts get a chance to do what they do best.

Writing is something more attributed to introverts too; you can check out these 5 Reasons Why Introverts Love Writing

By: Amal Ghali


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