
Managing Stress and Anxiety During Lockdown

Since the novel Covid-19 virus has officially been declared a pandemic, things have taken a quick turn in a direction none of us anticipated. The entire world is fighting it together and social distancing is what we have to do now. It may come easier for introverts than extroverts, but being forced to stay inside can be hard even for introverts because of overwhelming anxiety and stress over this global health crisis.  We are all learning to adjust to tough circumstances as a result and it's easy to fall through the cracks.  The fact that we don't really know when our normal lives and daily routines will commence is especially hard for everyone, let alone those of us more prone to stress and anxiety. The situation is not ideal, but you can do your best to take care of your mental health in the meantime. Here's what you can try to make things just a little bit easier for yourself: 1. Avoid the News as Often as You Can Following the news in these situations is w

4 Reasons Why Introverts Love Rain

Have you always been more drawn to a rainy day than most people? Do you feel a hint of joy the minute you see those tiny drops fall from the sky?  Did you know that feeling this way about rain is highly associated with being an introvert? It's true! Introverts are more drawn to the beauty of a rainy day with all its possibilities to cozy up in their favorite blankets with a hot cup of cocoa, nose deep into a good book. Sounds good to me! There's actually a term for people who love everything about rain, and that's pluviophiles . If you're wondering why most introverts are classified into that very special group, here are 5 reasons why introverts love rain: 1. Rain Brings a Sense of Peace While some people may get out of the rain as soon as they can to avoid that dreaded feeling of being wet, introverts can stand for hours under the rain looking up at the sky because it's peaceful.  2. The Rain's White Noise Is Therapeutic Introverts enjoy t

Benefits of Understanding Personality Types in the Workplace

Personalities are what make us exactly who we are. As previously discussed, there are major Benefits to Knowing Your Personality Type that will help you in your daily life. On a more specific outlook, these benefits will come in handy at work as well.  Let’s be honest! We all probably spend more time at work than anywhere else. We meet a lot of different personalities in the workplace for sure. It can become tough to figure out how to communicate with each one to get the work done.  Understanding how you operate in a work environment is a major plus, but then understanding the people around you, from your boss to your peers, will move mountains for you! Here’s why: Conflicts Are Resolved More Efficiently Personality differences in the workplace naturally lead to conflicts we are all too familiar with. Conflicts are not really the problem, but the way they are handled can become an issue. You can’t really control the way the other person reacts or deals with conflict or m

How Introverts Deal with Interpersonal Conflict

Confrontation is a terrifying concept for introverts. We don't face how we feel head-on and we always need time to process things. So when something happens that upsets us, we simply don't know how to voice our feelings about it on the spot. Our defense mechanism is staying quiet about it, acting like there's nothing wrong, and keeping it lingering in our thoughts.  How introverts deal with conflict goes something like this: 1. Someone says something or does something hurtful.  2. The first instinct of an introvert is not reacting, mostly because they will be in shock of what took place. They go numb and not mention anything about the incident.  3. Overthinking starts to overwhelm them, which could go on for days. Details get blown out of proportion as they start to analyze the situation thoroughly. The other person has no idea. 4. They decide they are really upset about this. 5. They want to confront that person but chicken out every time because the i

7 Signs Your Extroverted Child Is Highly Sensitive

Do you notice your child being the one always excited when there's a show or presentation in front of a big audience? Is your child the one initiating activities and being with friends?  Extroverts are most commonly linked to being quite an outward personality. They don't shy away from conversations, activities, public speaking, or socializing. It's easy to miss the signs if they are also highly sensitive because these two personality traits are not usually linked. They contradict each other. However, did you know that 30% of highly sensitive people are actually extroverts?  Here are 7 signs your child is a highly sensitive extrovert: 1. Your kid has a high sense of empathy and kindness.  2. They pay attention to the details. 3. Despite being very outgoing at ease, they sometimes require time to recharge after a long day. 4. Unlike highly sensitive introverts, they get bored if they spend too much time alone. 5. They have a deep process of thinking about every

Dealing with Triggers After Hearing About Suicide

Suicide is a tough thing to talk about. It's something nobody is comfortable bringing up because it's a scary thought. Deep down in our minds, we cannot begin to understand someone's motivation or mental state that would cause them to do such a thing. But what are we supposed to do when we're forced to talk about it and face how we feel because it keeps happening around us? Are we to keep our feelings all bundled up inside and try to ignore them? You might be able to do that a few times, but eventually, it will become too much to handle.  What Are Triggers? Triggers are defined as any type of stimuli that can cause a person to feel panicked, depressed, or anxious without warning. It can be anything from a smell to a certain place, and of course a feeling.  What Are Suicide Triggers? Hearing other people's stories can be more triggering than our own. Constantly hearing about people who have committed suicide, celebrities or otherwise, and feeling depressed a

How to Overcome Perfectionism

Maybe you have always seen yourself as a perfectionist, and maybe not. Contrary to popular belief, most people cannot identify their own traits that characterize them as indeed perfectionists. The obvious reasons, such as being a highly-organized person, are not the main issue; check out these  5 Little-Known Signs of Perfectionism .  Now that you can recognize the pattern, it's time to learn how to overcome your perfectionism. The key is to learn about some tricks and try to gradually incorporate them into your daily life. Eventually, they will become habits. Here are a few tips on how to overcome being a perfectionist: 1. Return to Earth Perfectionism affects your thoughts and feelings, which naturally alters your behavior. It gives you permission to set insanely unrealistic standards for yourself and others, which makes you very critical (mostly of yourself). Your goal is to shift your mindset a bit and get back to reality.  Start by consciously setting realistic