5 Benefits to Knowing Your Personality Type

Personality type tests are quite popular online these days. We're all guilty of occasionally taking them as we stroll through social media. While some of them are designed just for the fun of it, others can literally change your life. Knowing your personality from the Myers-Briggs Type Instrument (MBTI) is one of the best things you can do for yourself. My personal experiences have taught me that and it's the reason why I'm dedicated to this blog. Not convinced? Check out these 5 benefits to knowing your MBTI personality type:

1- Discovering Your Preferences and Answering Your "Whys"
The MBTI breaks down your psychological preferences. By understanding personality types, you find out about your likes and dislikes. More importantly, you get answers to the lingering personal "Why" questions. Maybe you've always had that inner feeling sometimes that told you something is completely wrong, yet you couldn't explain why you felt this way so you doubt yourself (been there, done that). Being an Intuitive (N) on the MBTI spectrum explains such feelings. Just knowing will keep you at ease with yourself. Furthermore, you might get really stressed out when things aren't as ordered as you'd like them to be or when people change their plans with you at the last minute. Judging (J) personalities are exactly this way (like me!). Knowing will keep you calm and will open the doors for you to accept yourself. It will free you from being too hung up on "Why am I like that?"

2- Understanding People 
Let's assume now that you know your personality type. This crucial knowledge will automatically make you aware of the people around you. When you see that someone reacts to the exact same situation in a different way, you understand them better. We all interact with the world differently; there is no personality type that is superior to the other. Each one of us has their own personal style and we all bring something new and interesting to the table. On a deeper level, your relationships will thank you for it. Imagine if you understand that your partner is more on the introverted side of things. Knowing that will turn you into a more compassionate partner. You'll not take it personally when they require some alone time, a basic introvert characteristic.

3- Identifying Your Strengths and Weaknesses
Do you know what are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? Reading more about your personality type means getting to find out what areas you excel at, as well as those you don't have a knack for. This will benefit you tremendously in many ways that one, from your job to various different situations in life. You should always thrive to improve yourself in skills that don't come naturally to you, but knowing what you're good at allows you to present your unique contribution to the world.

4- Acquiring Self-Acceptance
How many times have you hidden what you actually feel? How many times have you forced yourself to fit in when you didn't really belong? Getting out of your comfort zone every now and then is good for you; it's essential for personal growth. However, if you spend your entire life outside of it trying to please everyone and denying who you really are, you won't live a happy life. The first step towards accepting yourself is having a clear picture of who you are and what your personality type is.

5- Creating Healthy Boundaries
We all have our limits. It's normal, we're human! When you know exactly what yours are and what you can handle at a given time, you benefit yourself and the people around you. Introverts (I) need to accept the fact that excessive interactions with the outside world will drain them completely and affect those around them. Knowing themselves and their limits will allow them to withdraw whenever they need to in order to restore their energy. On the other hand, if Feelers (F) are not self-aware, they will use up their natural empathy. The result is becoming overwhelmed with emotions that are not even yours and this is something I personally struggled with my entire life. We need to know when to set healthy boundaries. Explaining how you feel is the key. And no, it's not selfish.

If you don't know what personality typing is, here's a simple Breakdown of the Myers-Brigg Type Instrument (MBTI).

Till next time! 

By: Amal Ghali


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