How Knowing Your Personality Type Helps Your Career Choice

When we're young, most of us fall into the trap of choosing a university major and consequently a career based on what is expected of us. We feel an obligation to fulfill what our parents, for example, think we should be doing with our lives or choose a career that is seen as more prestigious by those around us than what we really want to do. Sometimes, the issue is deeper than that. It's the fact that we don't know ourselves enough at that early yet critical stage of our lives to grasp what works for us and our personalities. The reality is we spend more time at work than anywhere else. It's important to be happy and satisfied with the path we've chosen. 

Consider yourself lucky if you figured out your personality type before settling on a career. But don't get too caught up on the timing, you can always follow your passion no matter what stage you're at. You just have to be brave enough to learn and start. Personally, I read up on introverts way after I graduated and worked for years. I switched from engineering to content writing, a choice that most people thought was crazy! I started connecting the dots between my career choices and my personality traits as soon as I found out I'm an INFJ (Introvert Intuitive Feeling Judging). It suddenly made so much sense to me. It's no secret that introverts love writing. Being a writer means I get to do something I love and believe in at work and that's ultimately the goal. 

You have to figure out what suits your personality. First, find out all about your unique personality aspects that will help you be the best version of you at work. You can take this free personality test. There are many Benefits to Knowing Your Personality Type. Here's how it can help with your career choice:

1- It will narrow things down. Some personalities are more built for leadership than others. Some are more naturally creative than others. Knowing your strengths and your weaknesses too will have you looking at your options with a fresh eye.

2- It will identify the work environment you can thrive in. Some people produce their greatest outcome in groups within a loud and energetic environment. Others prefer a quiet one to give you the best work. Some people are born to work with clients and handle their issues face-to-face all day without feeling drained, while others won't last one day in their place. Figure out which one you are to get ahead of the game and avoid unsatisfying jobs.

3- It will highlight your skills. Are you organized? Do you come up with analytical solutions easily? Do you have leadership skills? Are you a visual learner or do you learn by doing? All these skills differ from one personality to another. Knowing what you are good at makes the choice easier.

Knowing what personality you are is just the first step in the right direction. Don't shy away from jobs that may seemingly be more suited for other personality types if it's what you're passionate about and what will bring you satisfaction. There are a lot of misconceptions about introverts in the workplace. Introverts actually make great leaders. You will know what works for you. 

By: Amal Ghali


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