
Showing posts with the label personality traits

5 Tips for Parents of an Introverted Child

There's no denying that we live in an  extroverted world .  Being parents of an introverted child  can be tough if you don't understand what your child needs. Kids don't understand themselves (most adults too!). Your kid needs you for guidance, so you have to go the extra mile to find out their  personality type  and act accordingly. Most  extroverted parents of introverts  who don't  get  why their kids act a certain way end up pushing them to be more social or slam them with more activities than they can take, which means no alone time or simply time to recharge. Some even keep sending a message to the child that the way they feel about social situations or being comfortable with only one/two friends is never enough, that something always needs to be changed to act more normal. This affects their self-confidence as they grow up. You need to be aware not to fall into these traps. If you notice that your kid is  introverted , here are 5  tips for parents of an introv

5 Reasons Why Introverts Love Writing

Writing  has always been an escape for me. When I was in school, I would always find myself looking forward to the time I had to write anything and everything in my journal. I loved writing about my day and what happened in it in shocking details. I loved creating these huge calendars that had everything I wanted to do. I used to enjoy writing the lyrics of my favorite songs too. Looking back, I think I loved the feeling of having the complexity of my thoughts visible in front of me on paper, without really knowing that at the time. In the midst of all the adventures, surprises, life lessons, and mishaps that occur growing up , writing helped me tune out and live in my bubble for a while.  Being an introvert  means you enjoy time spent alone with nothing but your own thoughts for company, and writing goes hand in hand with solitude.  While it's not a rule that you have to be an  introvert to enjoy writing  and be good at it, it's something that  introverts  are drawn to

How Empaths Can Avoid Compassion Fatigue

Being an empath can be a slippery slope. You don't really acknowledge the complications that come with it unless you experience them yourself, which usually means you've reached your limit or gone way beyond it. If you're a highly  empathetic person , then   you tend to understand on a deep level what other people are going through. When putting it this way, it doesn't seem like it can be an issue. Emotional empathy is beautiful and allows us to truly be there for each other. It allows us to connect; we naturally want these kinds of connections because it makes us feel understood and, most of all, loved . It's something that we need more of in today's society for sure. I believe that with all my heart. However, the phrase " too much of a good thing " applies here perfectly. There is a dark side to having too much empathy and it's a feeling that I know all too well; I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy! It's referred to as compassion fa

4 Reasons Why Intuitive Minds Are Misunderstood

How do you interpret the world around you? Do you focus on the reality of it or do you rely more on your imagination? Do you trust what you can see and touch or are you more inclined to believe your gut feeling? Sensing personalities (S) are observant realists; they assess situations according to the facts and they tend to be more traditional in their style of thinking. On the other hand, an intuitive personality (N)  specializes in thinking outside the box! We are observant as well, but we trust what we feel more than what we can see. Intuitive minds are not interested in small talk; we crave a deep and meaningful conversation. We are interested in what is hidden, as opposed to what is right there for everyone to see. We like to explore our endless imagination, which  opens the door for creativity and innovation. Intuitive people enjoy a few perks, no doubt, but it also means we are often misunderstood. Wanting to feel understood is a natural human need. We all want it and that

Dealing with an Introvert Hangover

Yes, an introvert hangover is a real thing! It's not an official term, but it's a common description among introverts . Every kind of introvert can relate to that feeling. The idea might seem extreme to our extroverted friends, but it perfectly describes what we go through when we are beyond our socializing limit. The symptoms of an introvert hangover for me usually start in the form of shutting down. If I reach my limit of socializing for the day and am forced to continue in a social situation, my brain sort of freezes to taking in any new information. I start nodding and agreeing to everything to avoid small talk because I literally don't have the energy anymore to handle it. As a result, I will seem extra quiet to the people around me. When I get home, anxiety kicks in. So, I'm not only experiencing burnout, I'm analyzing every little thing I said and did, which is common with an  empathetic/highly-sensitive introvert personality . At that point, I'm bas

Why Introverts Make Great Leaders

What is leadership ? It would probably mean different things to different people. Today, society made us believe that extroversion is a must-have trait in order to be a successful leader in the workplace. Extroverted personalities exude charisma, confidence, and enthusiasm loudly for everyone to notice. They do it effortlessly too because their energy is gained through social interactions. The world would like to make us believe that just because introverts don't noticeably have these specific traits, their leadership style  would be ineffective. Back in 2006, a survey found that 65% of senior executives saw introversion as a "barrier to leadership." Successful leaders  are able to motivate and inspire their team. Their main goal is to forge ways for their followers to move forward. They are able to make significant decisions for the entire team when it's needed. Somewhere along the line, it became common knowledge that introverted personalities wouldn't

5 Introvert Strengths You Should Know

Society has taught us that if you're an introvert, then by default it puts you at a disadvantage. Being an introvert in today's world means being labeled as someone who is antisocial (I hate that word!), shy, unfriendly, or even lonely (this one specifically makes me laugh; they have no idea how much we  genuinely enjoy spending time alone!). These are all common misconceptions, of course. As introverts, we know these definitions are not who we are, yet sadly we are affected by them most of the time. As a result, we try to be better . We try to hide our true feelings and act " extroverted " because we want to fit in. I'm here to tell you this is not a healthy way to live your life. You should socialize with people on your own terms when you feel comfortable, not because you're trying to impress anybody by appearing more extroverted.  Extroverts have a lot of obvious strengths when it comes to socializing and being accepted in general. A lot of intro

8 Extroverted Personalities Explained

The first time I found out about  extroverts vs. introverts , it was about 4 years ago. It was way after I graduated from college. I knew that people can act differently, but it was never defined for me. Later, I learned from my life that none of us are 100% extroverted or 100% introverted. We all fall somewhere in between yet identify more with one side. For me, it depends on the people I'm with. I can get really talkative and show enthusiasm when socializing if I'm with the right people. Other times, I'll be in my head more and people would get the impression that I'm a quiet/shy person who doesn't know how to socialize.  When someone seems outgoing and friendly, they are seen as extroverts. This is not the full definition of an extroverted personality though. Yes, they are outgoing and easy to talk to, but an introvert can be those things too sometimes.  Extroversion is a personality trait that describes someone who is energized from being around people. T

8 Introverted Personalities Explained

I remember the day I took the Myers Briggs personality test like it was yesterday. It was completely random. I came across an article about "signs you might be an INFJ ." I was just curious as to what that was so I opened it. As I read every point, I felt overwhelmed because all of them fit my personality. I kept thinking "It's not a me thing, it's an INFJ thing!!" Somehow I've gone through my entire adult life thinking nobody will ever understand how I see things or how I feel about certain things. And I've gotten used to that idea so I mostly bottled things up deep inside. It's very rare that I open up to someone because of that very feeling and you can imagine how that affects all kinds of relationships. After I read that article, I took the online personality test  (more than once) and it was confirmed. I'm an INFJ , the rarest personality type in the world— the "counselors" who often feel misunderstood so they tend to hide

5 Benefits to Knowing Your Personality Type

Personality type tests are quite popular online these days. We're all guilty of occasionally taking them as we stroll through social media. While some of them are designed just for the fun of it, others can literally change your life. Knowing your personality from the Myers-Briggs Type Instrument (MBTI) is one of the best things you can do for yourself. My personal experiences have taught me that and it's the reason why I'm dedicated to this blog.  Not convinced? Check out these 5 benefits to knowing your MBTI personality type : 1- Discovering Your Preferences and Answering Your "Whys" The MBTI breaks down your psychological preferences. By understanding personality types , you find out about your likes and dislikes. More importantly, you get answers to the lingering personal "Why" questions. Maybe you've always had that inner feeling sometimes that told you something is completely wrong, yet you couldn't explain why you felt this way so

A Breakdown of the Myers-Briggs Type Instrument (MBTI)

Have you ever been interested to find out why each one of us acts in their own unique way? There are a lot of aspects that define who we are. Aside from the culture surrounding us or the way our parents raise us, we all have certain aspects of our personality we were already born with. Humans have forever been interested in categorizing personalities. Numerous research has already been done on the subject—the most famous system being the MBTI or the Myers-Briggs Type Instrument. It's a very fascinating topic once you start reading in it and find out where you fit in. Believe me, it's a life changer! Here's what you need to know. What Is Personality Typing? Personality Typing can be described as a structure that divides people into respective groups according to their pattern of thinking or behavior and how they are likely to act in certain situations. Typing helps define a clear system that highlights different kinds of people according to their specific personali